Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ok, I'm embarassed to admit it, but I'm a little bummed. I always know the odds are ridiculously against it, but can't help but hope and get excited. I didn't win the hgtv dream home giveaway this month and I didn't win the publisher's clearing house sweepstakes for a million dollars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know better, and think I won't expect it, which I don't, but still...you do hope. God never works that way in my life though. How do I know? I hardly ever win anything, and if it is, it is a book or a pencil. Ugh. God wants me to look to him daily for my provisions...my Daily bread. I should be grateful because it keeps me focused and dependent on Him, aware of my need for him. Soooo, I need to just get over it...again...until next year when I go through it again. Ha.

One of my newfound addictions is "Words With Friends" on my iphone I got for Christmas. I never thought I would use such a fancy phone, except to call people. But I was wrong. I am LOVING it. I love to text now too. Can you believe it? I may just be entering the 21st century and becoming a techno gal. My co-workers can't believe it, I am so old school about everything. AND speaking of technology, I am loving the Nook. My mom got herself a color one so gave me her old one. I didn't think I would use it much, I love paper books sooo much (the smell of print, the feel of a book in my hand, especially an old one...I know, I'm weird), but I am loving it. Sooo, maybe I won't be so afraid of technology. But I still have a lot to learn!

So instead of moping around I will just go grab my phone and play some more "Words With Friends". How about you? What is your new fav thing?

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