Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our New Dog---"Charley"

Out of the Mouths of Babes, Have the Spirit of a Child

Ok, I was asking my kids yesterday what they loved the most...I wrote about their answers on the last blog. Well, I also asked them what they feared the most also. I got the typical answers of spiders and vampires and fire. Well, my littlest boy, Sam (remember 4, almost 5!...He wants to make sure that is clear) came up to me this morning as I was making my coffee and said, "Mom I changed my mind. What I am most afraid of is walking out of God's will." I as stunned and said, "You mean not obeying God and following him?" He said yes. I guess he remembered that, that was my answer yesterday when they turned the question around on me.

It is amazing what Kids take in and process. Boy do they amaze me. I know every parent thinks their kids are amazing, but mine sure blow me away and humble me. What wise little souls they have. By the way, Sam followed up a few seconds later with the remark that, "Vampires really weren't real anyway and everyone knows that".

So lets focus on the real danger. Other things can only hurt our bodies, but our soul remains safe with God. Our eternal home with God and Jesus can't be stolen from us. But we can become complacent and forget the importance of God and Jesus and following them. We can become scared of the boogey man, our finances and of losing our comfort so that we don't follow God. Remember, he won't lead us astray. We are only here for a short time to accomplish what he created us for. Don't miss out on the adventure. There are no regrets in heaven. As Sam so aptly stated, the thing to fear most is falling out of God's will and not obeying and following Him. If a 4, almost 5 year old can get this, I think the rest of us can!!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fearlessly Continue On---The Start Is Not The Finish

Fear. There always seems to be something to fear. Lately it has been the weather. I fear losing our power like we did 2 years ago during the last ice storm. I have a major fear of finances. I just want to feel safe, secure. But is that God's wish? He desires our holiness more than our happiness and values our character more than our comfort. Shouldn't we? But do we? I know if it came down to a choice myself, I would probably go for comfort and security. That is why the choice is not up to me. However that is not to say that our choices in life don't affect things as well. Our sins and choices do have lasting consequences, as I have only too well found out in life. But God is still good and faithful, even when we are faithless.
We got a new dog a week ago. Yay! He is an all black schnauzer a year and 2 months old. The boys named him Charlie. He is still a puppy and quite a handful. He is sooo cute, but sooo onrey. He still jumps up and nips at you when he is excited. This is what bothers my 4 (almost 5) year old, Sam. In fact his latest fear he has expressed is that when he gets out of the bath tub, he is afraid that Charlie will think his penis is a chew toy and bite it. He stands still in fear and yells, "No Charlie", holding his privates if Charlie is in eye view. This happens every night. Yes we all have fears, some logical and real, others not. But still we fear. (Have you noticed the theme of how proud my boys are of thier privates? Boys!).
I have always struggled with anxiety issues. But it is during my biggest trials when I feel scared and out of control, that I am forced to depend on God and his promises, and I am reminded where my true security lies. It lies in my God and Jesus. But what if I fall away from God? See...there is always another fear around the corner. I know that they won't ever leave me or forsake me, but what if I fall away from them? My one time decision of salvation does not mean I will not change my mind and fall away. As long as I am abiding in Him, I am safe. But it is my choice, daily, moment by moment whether or not to abide in Him. Starting, beginning our walk with God and Jesus DOES NOT mean finishing!!!!!
It is more than a one time decision. It is a job. Our relationship with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit is compared to that of a marriage. It is to be intimate, close. We don't promise to stay married for only 5 years, but a lifetime...til death do us part. We promise to honor and cherish our spouse, obey, love. Do I do that with my savior? Not enough. If I love God and Jesus, then I will obey out of that love, I will have a joy that comes from obedience. I will spend time in prayer, communicating with God and Jesus, not just begging for things, but really praying. I will bear fruit and evidence of that love and obedience. God will do the work if we are obedient, then we will see the fruit. Is all of this present in my life, in my walk? Not like it should be.
Like I said before, I tend to focus on my fears and needs and not on THE ONE who will provide for them. When I do that, there is a peace and joy. I asked my two boys what they loved the most. I expected to hear about toys, things. They both answered, "God and Jesus". I wanted to cry. Every time I tuck them in bed at night they say they, "love me...they love me more than anything...except for God and Jesus." I am always so filled with joy to hear this. I love that they feel they have to put that exception on at the end to remind me Who is most important. They get it!!! They truly understand, often better than I do. That is where thier security lies. I hoped to instill this in them so that they wouldn't inherit my fears. This is a good start.
So hold firm til the end. Continue to abide and don't let go of your faith. Don't become complacent or too filled with worry and become distraced from seeking God. Life is not about what We do, but about what God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit will do through us if we let them. It is our choice.
"See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's decietfulness. We have come to share in Christ if we HOLD FIRMLY TIL THE END the confidence we had at first." (Hebrews 3:12-14)
So guird up you loins like my Sammy, let go of your fear and live fearlessly, making each day count, doing God's work. Don't ask yourself, start each day asking God, "What do you want me to do today?" Finish the race set before you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Laughed So Hard I Cried

Laughing and crying never seemed like close emotions. They always seemed so different and at polar extremes. But lately they seem to be so close and flow from one to the other so easily...way too easily. I have been laughing a lot from my boys. I am also crying still, often because of losing my dog Moses. Yes, I know it seems silly. I am shocked at myself. I knew how much I loved him, but this is ridiculous. I feel so lost without him. Anyway, I am glad for the laughs, but it does make me feel a little schitzophrenic at times.
One of the most recent laughs came from Sam today. I took him for a screening since we are applying to try to get into Zarrow school for him since Max goes there. It is the International Immersion school where Spanish is their fist language there and all subjects are taught in Spanish. Anyway, I am biting my nails hoping Sam gets in too. It is a luck of the draw with many people trying for the few spots available. I really love the program and would love Sam to benefit from it like Max is. Besides, I am tired of driving to two different "schools" the last two years (Zarrow and John Knox Daycare).
Well the psychomatrist was behind in screening the kids so several parents and kids were waiting for thier turn in the hallway. Sam was sitting in my lap. I was praying he would do well and make a good impression. I noticed that his pants were unzipped so fixed them. Sam said that they always do that. Why do they always do that? I said I didn't know. He said, "I think it is because my penis is getting so big mom!" I was surprised and muttered, "What?", so of course he repeated it back even louder. I was mortified. Of course the other mothers next to me had sweet little girls who don't have penises and even if they did, wouldn't talk about them in public. The other moms all stared and snickered. I do think they enjoyed the laugh too. Ooooh my boys. They do keep things exciting.
We have been looking for another dog so I am praying for God's guidance in that. I hope it helps with my goofy grief spells. I need to snap out of it.