Saturday, March 26, 2011


Yes, it isn't a typo. The new word in the house is "brothertition". Max coined the phrase this morning. I brushed his hair, upon request which is unusual in itself. Usually he doesn't want me to mess with it and if I do he runs his hands through it to mess it up on purpose again. Anyways, after his shower this morning I brushed his wet hair quickly and said he looked handsome. As any brother does he asked, "Am I more handsome than Sam?" I said they were both handsome and asked why everything was a competition. He said it was "brothertition", brother competition. I laughed. He likes making up words like his mama does.

Well, a few minutes later he came back out of the bathroom looking suspicious. (I love this age because it is so easy to tell if they are up to something. They haven't learned to hide it well which makes life easier. Woe be the day he catches on and gets sneakier.) I took a double take and his hair was wet, but shinier, strange. I asked if he had gotten in the hair gel and he said no. Then I asked if he had gotten into the hair spray and he said yes. Uh huh. Gross wet, greasy, stiff hair sprayed hair, after I had just gotten him clean. Ugh. It never lasts but a few minutes. Anyway I told him to not get into the stuff in the bathroom. But later I had to lock the bathroom closet because I kept finding him sneaking in there to get into lotions, perfume and even the deodorant, wanting to check it all out. Don't know why the curiosity all started up this morning, he has never done it before. But what a mess! Maybe it is because I said he was handsome and he felt the competition. Who knows what goes through their heads at this age? Anyway it makes me chuckle.

We are having trouble getting Max to stop talking in class to his friend Collin who is Pokemon obsessed just like Max. Ugh. I feel sorry for the teacher. We keep trying to talk to him and have taken stuff away from him. I just wish the teacher would let the two switch seats so they don't sit next to each other where the temptation is sooo strong. That would help, but so far she doesn't agree and won't allow it. Oh well. I'll keep trying from the home front. I guess if this is the only issue we have we are pretty lucky. Ooops, Blessed. I don't believe much in luck. But I do keep entering the PCH sweepstakes twice a day...still hoping?! I know, I know. Fat chance. But it is still worth a shot. Hope your day is blessed.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Why won't the teacher move them? That is just weird! Sometimes you have to remove the distraction to help them learn.