Friday, April 30, 2010

I keep thinking about something Max told me the other day. He said his good friend, Elijah at school thinks that they look like professional dancers since they wear their uniform shirts tucked into their pants with a belt. Their little frames actually do look like professional dancers or male ice skaters with their shirts tucked in. It made me laugh so hard. He was sooo right. I hadn't noticed it before. Now, every day I take him to school, I think about him and all his professional dancer friends at school and laugh. I Love It! I know it is silly, but I just have to giggle. It is sooo good to have an easy laugh available. I needed it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What A Little Toot!

Today I took Sam to Zarrow International School to enroll him. All the mom's and dad's were there with their kids all dressed up to impress. The principal was speaking about the PTA and school so it was very quiet and all of a sudden I hear a LOUD explossive toot. OK, not just a toot, a FART! Sam had ripped one out, louder than I have ever heard from him...and that is saying a lot since he is quite a tooter. He is notorious for his tooting power and smell strength. He always laughs and says it was him, soooo proud. But today of all days he pretended he didn't do it and ignored my question. Soooo, the little toot let me take the fall. I was so embarrassed.

He has also been calling me into his room in the evenings when he is supposed to be sleeping, yelling, "Mama, I want Mama not Daddy. Mama!" (He knows daddy won't be happy). When I get to his room he asks me strange questions like, "Can you die from drinking pee? How much pee would it take?" or "What would happen if I squirted blood all over the room? Would it kill a fly if I squirted it with blood? How much would it take?" or "What would happen if the sky fell down on us?" Lovely, hugh? Oh the fun challenges of being a mom. They do keep me creative!