Thursday, March 17, 2011

Arrogant Agendas

Lord, help me to be always highly aware of my faults and sinful nature but not dismayed/discouraged by them. I need to be aware of my motivations. If they are from anything other than wanting to please you and follow you, then they are from my sinful nature. Where are my ambitions? Are they to lead a certain number of poeple to Christ, to do something great for you Lord? These things are noble and good, but if the motivation isn't to please you and the task isn't given from you, then it is founded in my pride. Oswald Chambers wrote, "My worth to God in public is what I am in private. Is my master ambition to please Him and be acceptable to Him, or is it something less, no matter how noble?"

Today I am questioning my so called "right motivations" and "noble callings". Are they really from God? I need to learn to live each moment of each day in communion with God so I can hear His voice leading me. It may just be to rest in Him that day. It may be to do a humble, monotonous chore that seems unimportant. But if I follow God obediently I am honoring Him instead of myself. I never want to steal God's glory or arrogantly ignore his voice, assuming that I know what is best. God's ways are so much higher than mine.

Ask yourself today, "Do I care more about following my agenda or following God's? Do I cling more to my comforts than to stepping out in faith out of my comfort zone to serve God? Who do I really believe knows best? Me or God?" It tells who I trust, who I follow. I find myself thinking, surely God doesn't want me to do that. I justify my own stance and agenda choices becuase I know more than God, He surely can't understand this. How arrogant of me. But it is true. It happens more than I like to admit, more than I probably even realize. It is so natural, unfortunately. I pray my first instinct would eventually become looking to God so that I am keenly sensitive to his voice and can hear Him at his slightest whisper. I pray the same for you.

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