Monday, June 28, 2010

Chasing Lions

Today I am goint to write about a person who is an inspiration to me. Her name is Connie and she is a good friend of mine. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer about 2 and 1/2 to 3 years ago and given 20 months to live. When she was given the diagnosis at Mayo clinic she ministered to the doctors and nurses there, sharing her faith with them. Instead of being devastated by the news she smiled and told them it was ok, that she was in God's hands. She actually left the building singing the song "My God is So Good". They were amazed, just as I am daily by her strength. God had given her a message before she got the diagnosis that Man's verdict was not God's verdict and that she was already healed, so she was not surprised with the diagnosis and had a peace about it. She does not believe in the "Name it-Claim it" stuff, but does honestly feel that God has told her the outcome already.
At her last doctor's visit the doctor came into the room with her latest test results and looked crushed. He couldn't get the words out to tell her, but she knew. She told him it was ok, she knew the resulsts and he didn't have to say it. He apologized and she told him it was ok, she was in God's hands. He cried, amazed at her positive attitude. Connie told him that she was not naturally this optomistic, but that it was a gift of God. He had been so strongly with her, (his presence) blessing her and providing for her and giving her such a peace throughout it all. She said not to expect this with everyone, because not everyone was given the same gifts by God. He works things out differently with each person, and this wasn't of her, it was of God. The doctor told her there was no further treatment to do for her that could help. She is going back to Mayo for another consult. She told her doctor that sometimes God has to let us come to the end of our human efforts before a miracle occurs so that it is not of us, only from him.
She still believes that God intends to heal her. He has brought many people to her that have had stage 3 cancer and been miraculously healed. She feels that has happened for a reason. But she also said that if for some reason God chose not to heal her, that it was still ok, because she would be in a better place. Either way, God was holding her hand and walking her through this day by day and she has never been so blessed to expereince this closeness with God. Through this time since the diagnosis until now, she has fallen in love and gotten married. A group of us freinds put on her wedding for her to help since she was so sick. Her new husband is wonderful and treats her like a princess. She has a beautiful dream home and doesn't have to worry about working. She has never been so blessed with so much support and provisions. Despite her severe pain and illness, she praises God and sees all the good, all of God in this situation. I don't think I could ever do that. Not like Connie. She is truly a woman of God. I am humbled for knowing her and having the blessing of her friendship. I love you Connie! Keep on Glorifying Him!
A sermon I heard yesterday talked about the fact that sometimes God takes us straight through our biggest fear to reach our potential. The bigger our God is, the smaller the lion/fear becomes. The courageous person chases after lions, obeying God despite the fear. We need not look at the lion, but look at God. How big is your God? I know that Connie's God is HUGE, which is why her faith is HUGE and such a blessing to all who know her. I pray that my vision of God and your's increases so that we can reach our potential and Receive the blessings and Be a blessing. Now Go Chase That Lion!

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