Friday, June 18, 2010

Sammy, Bloody Sammy!

Sammy, bloody Sammy!!! (You are suppose to sing this to the tune of "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"---Yes I am a U2 fan). No, Sam didn't get hurt. But as I have stated before he has a love for gore. His favorite shirt for the last two years has been a jackolantern shirt that he wears year round. When he draws pictures, which he loves to do, they are of Super Maizie dog or of monsters or people dying and hurt with blood coming out of them. He loves to draw Halloween pictures. Oooh my sweet sweet Sam. He constantly talks about blood. He is fascinated with it. Maybe it goes along with his old obsession with bandaids. I know all kids love them, but his teachers had to always have extra on hand to put on him for his pretend injuries. (Sam) "I'm bleeding!" he would say. (Me) "Where? I don't see anything." (Sam) "Here," he says pointing to a perfectly beautiful spot of skin with not as much as even a scratch or wrinkle on it. (Me) "I don't see anything." (Sam) "I'm bleeding! I need a bandaid!!!!" He would hold out and fuss for one for thirty minutes until I gave in.
Anyway, today the car ride conversation went like this. (Sam) "Look at my bandaid." (Max) "I see George the monkey." (Sam) "No it is bloooood. (Max) No its not. It's Curious George. See." (Sam) "No its blood. It's a blood design. (Max) It looks like a splat of paint from George's paint can." (Sam) "No, it's blood. His blood smashed out all over it, splat! Oooo gross."
See what I mean? Besides his long lasting kick on blood and gore, he is using the word dissolve often I have noticed. (e.g. yesterday---"The Coco puffs dissolve in my mouth. I really like the way they dissolve in my mouth. They really do!"). Yes, we have found that many things dissolve in your mouth. I have no idea how he learned this word and why he likes it so much.
Sam finally got his white belt---first belt---in karate. He had to go three times to class to get it. On his third day he didn't listen well to Mr. Lance so he didn't get it and had to try again on Tuesday when he did finally get it. It was a good learning experience for him, only with Sam, he never seems to really remember the consequences. It only lasts for a little while then he does the same stuff again. Oh I love the guy, but he does keep me on my toes.
Sam just finished his first swim class at his daycare and did well. He loves the water. Max just finished his first week at summer camp. He had fun, except that the kid that bulleyed him last year is there again and it started right back up. Ugh! I had a talk with the staff so they can keep an eye on the situation. I tried to not complain and be patient last year, but I won't let Max go through another summer like the last one. I have to put him in God's hands.
Well, enough of my yapping and gabbing. I hope everyone is having a great summer.

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