Saturday, July 3, 2010

Crazy Maizie and Crazy Boys

On Friday, Jason took the kids on a picnic at Woodward park. He took some cute pics of them. I had to work so missed out on the fun. The boys are doing ok. This afternoon, Sam told me he was already planning Halloween decorations for next fall. He is an angel/my special helper one second and a screaming banshee the next. Oh that voice! I woke up to him yelling this morning and he fussed and screamed for the next two hours. After that he has been wonderful. You never know what he will do or why. Max is obsession over a new DS game he bought with the points/money he saved up for the last few months.

Some recent sayings from the joy boys:
1. I overheard Max telling Sam "That sounds like a personal matter, Sam." I have no idea what they were talking about. When I asked him about it later he couldn't remember.
2. Sam loves to tell jokes, but they are a little hard to tell that they are jokes (examples: "You can't eat that Maizie." Just joking. "There is a hole in the floor!" Just joking. "It's a joke mom, I'm just joking."
3. Sam sounded out words that were color names. He sounded out (not spelled) r-e-d and then said "brown". "It says brown." Then he did p-ur-p-le. "I get it! Orange!" Other times he did better and got them right, but these two times I had to shake my head. I didn't get it. I guess we have some more work to do.
4. Sam likes to tell me often that, "My brain won't tell me what I want to eat." OR "My brain made me do it."
Yes they are crazy and fussy and fun. I just love them!

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