Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Goth Child

Today I had to take off work to take the kids to the doctor for their annual check-ups. It took an hour and a half which made me late for my first scheduled client---that I had to cancel and reschedule. Besides that, Max was late and missed his bus at summer camp so I had to drive him to Skateland to meet them for his field trip. This made Sam late so he missed his lunch at daycare---Ooops-school! (He likes to call it his school). Therefore I had to pick him up a kids meal at Wendy's. I dropped him off with his lunch and forgot his chocolate milk in the car. I went back downstairs to my car to get it, then up again and did the code to his hall, made it to his class and set up his lunch at a table and realized I had left his ketchup in the car. Sam is a Ketchup fanatic and was severely sad so I had to race back downstairs to get it, come back up, put in the code to get in his hall and squirt 5 ketchup packets (oooh I hate those messy things!). I kissed him goodbye and raced to work where I had hearing screenings to do all afternoon--1 every 30 minutes. Somehow I got double booked on the last one so had to push one even later. Then the last two I had a hard time getting results so they took twice as long to finish. I am tired and sweaty now. It was not the best day.
All that to say, when I was at the doctor's office and waiting and waiting I realized that Sam looked like a Goth child. His shirt had a monster on it and his shorts had a skull on them (given from a friend). His fingernails were painted black by his teacher yesterday since he wanted to have dog paw nails, monster nails and most of all Vampire nails, which is what he called them today. Yes, later the nurse commented on Sam's style. Ugh.
Poor Sam is so constipated right now. Besides that, the doctor's office messed up and gave him his last rounds of shots too early so he had to get them all redone today. He was not happy, neither was I. That is part of what took so long at the doctors. They were trying to figure out what happened to cause this mistake, but never had any real answers only a few possible scenarios of how it may have happened. Oh well, I didn't complain. There isn't anything I could do about it. He needs the shots to be effective and has to have them to start kindergarten in the fall. WHAT A DAY! Thanks for letting me vent. Now I need a hot shower and a good book. Well, that was my day. Hope yours was better.

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