Monday, February 2, 2009

Stayed home today again with a sick child. I know I have said it before, but I love these days! It is stressful to reschedule clients, but I beleive that God provides these days as opportunities to spend more time with my kids. Being a working mom, I always crave more time with my boys. Though I don't like them to be sick, I do see the blessing in being forced to take an extra day off to be with them. And what about those ice days last week! Thank you Lord for always providing what I need, even in unexpected ways. Instead of getting stressed by life's detours, I have decided to see them as Divine Detours that can strengthen me in growth or restore my soul. Despite my obvious failings, you are so good to me Lord. I can never doubt that when I am snuggling with my two beauties! Who says boys aren't beautiful? Mine sure are. They constantly show me God's love. With all of the ice days and sicknesses going around, I hope everyone enjoys the blessings they can bring, I sure am.

1 comment:

PaperDoll Designs said...

So glad I just found your blog! Bring your "recipe" box to small group...I want to check it out. Sounds like a great idea.