Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I hope your day is full of love. No one has to go without a valentine. Even when I was single and the dateless wonder, I always had a Valentine...My Lord-the King of love! In fact one year I was inspired to send my parents an anonymous gift of 3 roses (to represent the Trinity/and red for Christ's blood shed for us---the greatest gift of love ever!) and a card that simply read, "Please be my Valentine, Love God". They quickly figured out it was from me. I am the only person cheesy enough to do something like that. Anyway, it was one of my best Valentines ever.

Two of the other best Valentines were my first year dating Jason (now my husband). Yay! I really had a physical person as a valentine...ME...A date! Anyway. The other...and BEST Valentine ever was the year I had my second son, Sam. He was a great Valentine gift from God. I had him just hours before it turned Valentines Day. Today we celebrated his birthday with a small family party. He wanted it to be a Robot party. I never knew it would be such a difficult theme, but it was. My husband spent days trying to figure out a project for the kids to do that was somewhat Robotic. We ended up putting glowing light sticks from the dollar store around the living room and making robot helmets for all the kids out of buckets with a square cut out for colored transparent plastic to be put in as a window, a glow stick taped under it and then colored pipe cleaners as antenaes. It was fun. Not a particularly romantic day, but very special.

I hope everyone had a special day, one filled with little reminders of how much you are cherished by the Lover of our souls. Know that you always are and always will be loved. God went to great lengths to send you that Valentine message. He waits patiently for all to accept it. Will you be His Valentine?

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