Saturday, February 28, 2009

Seek Answers=Seek HIM

I read somewhere that we make around 2,500 choices every day. This really got me thinking. Granted, most of them are small ones that don't seem to make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but still, that's a lot. Just the mere fact that God made us with the cognitive ability to process information and have discernment to choose what is best. Wow. What a great God. He did make us in his image, with the amazing gift to make choices...and have "Free Will". We don't usually think much about it, but what a gift!

This gift can also seem intimidating. I wonder if I make the best choices sometimes. Along with the gift of "Free Will", comes consequences. Here is where the majority of worry comes in. Am I really seeking God's will or my own? Often I don't even think to ask His will. I just rush through my day, seeing choices as an obstacle to get done as quickly as possible. Yes, making decisions is work for me. I can never make up my mind. I could spend twenty minutes debating over what color of toothbrush to buy at the store and worry later if I made the right choice. I seem to rush through the more critical choices and agonize over the little ones. What is wrong with me?

Lord, help me to remember to seek your help and guidance more often instead of leaning on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). Holy Spirit, give me discernment when I should be more careful about my decisions. Help me most of all to not let anything come between my loyalty to Christ. Don't ever let the good become the enemy of the best. There are lots of good things to spend my time doing, too many good things. It is hard to choose which ones to do and which ones to let go. When do I say yes and when do I say no? I can spend all my time doing things that seem good (and truly are good), but still miss out on what you have planned for me to do. That is the essence of my fear and worry. Don't let me miss out on your plan for me. I want no regrets when this life is up. I want to please you in all I do. Don't let me waste Your time, because all I have is really your's.

Another snare is letting my confidence lie in God's blessings and not in Him alone. This seems easy. Of course I love and trust Him more than His blessings. But when difficulties come, how do I respond? Oh, the pitfalls are many. That is why we must constantly ask the Lord's guidance and help. Keep looking at Him and not the ground. Otherwise you will stumble. Yes, I know it seems like it should be the opposite. It is tempting to want to look at the ground and where we are stepping, but we must trust Him more than our vision and perception. He see's more than we do. He knows His plans for us better than we do. So to sum things up, if you are seeking direction, help, answers....then all you need to seek is HIM.

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