Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prayer Muscles

Let's talk about prayer. Prayer is powerful. Prayer is helpful. Prayer is important, essential. But prayer is hard. At least for me it is. Despite trying to finding the time, I also get so easily. I try to be still and know that He is God. But when I try to listen to hear His voice, I get sleepy or daydream. I can't focus. What is my problem? I don't want my prayer life to be just one sided. No friendship/relationship should be that way. It is a give and take thing. Not that I have much to give to God except for my attention and love. Anyway, I am pitiful at prayer. I admit I am all talk and no listening. I can lay out my needs and ask for forgiveness, but hear His voice? Well, let's just say that is rarer. I get so frustrated sometimes, that I deliberately avoid praying. Does that sound awful? I know, but it's the truth. I can't be helpful to others or receive help myself unless I am honest.

I will share a few books that are helpful to energize your prayer life. At least they were helpful to me. Still, it helps to set a designated time every day to spend time in prayer. Having it at the same time helps with focus and not forgetting to do it. Can you tell I need a lot of help? I struggle just a smidge. Anyway, Stormy Omartian has two books that are great: "The Power of a Praying Wife" and "The Power of a Praying Parent." "Praying the Scriptures for your Children" by Jodie Berndt is also good. They help reveal how powerful our prayers can be for our loved ones. Intercession is more powerful than we realize. I think we barely tap the surface of that gift God has given us. It also sets up an easy list of things to pray for, one per day, for your child or spouse. That keeps it easy, less time consuming and more focused. (More do-able!)

Another thing I have found helpful is to pray through ACTS. ACTS stands for the order in which to pray to give you structure so you don't feel like you are floundering with your thoughts. A is for Adoration. Spend the first few minutes praising God, preparing your heart to be with your Holy Father. Then C is for Confession. Confess and ask forgiveness for sins so that they aren't a barrier, keeping you from hearing God. T is for Thanksgiving. Thank him for all he has done and is going to do, through faith. Last of all, spend time in Supplication, laying your requests before Him. If you were going to a friend, you wouldn't just rudely ask for things constantly, especially without developing the friendship first. Anyway, this structure helps reign in my thoughts during prayer.

The last thing I have to share is that praying the scriptures helps me a lot. I think that is why I love to memorize scripture. If I don't have the words to express my feelings or thoughts, just taking a scripture and praying over it helps. His words are much better than mine anyway!

I talk to my kids about praying and pray some with them (Yes, I still need to do better, be more consistent, etc.). I talk about having "Prayer Muscles". This is how God grows His superheros. Prayer is how we tap into God's power and strength, making us stronger. On our own we are futile and weak. If we want to help and bless others and receive God's blessings ourselves, we need to spend more time in prayer. OK, now that I have written this, I feel really convicted. Let's all flex our Prayer Muscles today. Aaargh!!!

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