Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We had a pre-Easter kick off at our church last Sunday. It was called Eggstravaganza and people/esp. kids were encouraged to invite friends to come for outreach to unchurched people. Then next Sunday they may come to Easter service. Great plan. The church had an indoor Easter egg hunt in one room, face painting, snow cones, games with prizes to win, free candy and a petting zoo inside. The petting zoo was in a fenced off area decorated with fake flowers and trees and candy. the trees had bags of cotton candy hanging off every limb and they passed out bags to kids. It was soooo cool. The animals they had were: rabbits, chicks and baby ducks, of course, but also, a baby kangaroo, baby foxes, lemur chinchilla, huge tortoise that was painted pink and other colors like an easter egg. I may be missing a few others, but you get the point. It was sooo cool. Did I say cool? Yeah. Anyway, it was fun.

Now despite the cool events my church does, the church does not focus on entertaining people and being known for fun programs and events. If that was the focus I wouldn't have chosen it to be my church. I am grateful that the church challenges me to move out of my comfort zone and trust God by giving, helping, and getting involved in ministry and the lives of others...which is a sticky, scary and uncomfortable thing to do. It is even risky. But we are called to do it. We must love the unlovely, difficult and hurting people who need God. And we are the priviledged people, who if we obey his call, get to join in the work of God.

Anyway, I hope your Easter is an eggstravaganza of fun. Just remember the reason for the celelbration. OUR SALVATION! What greater gift could God give us, but His son, Jesus...to die for us, take our place so that we could be saved and have a relationship with God...restored...so we could be with Him for eternity. How great is our God? How worthy is our savior? How grateful are we for His spirit willing to live in us---us dirty, sinful creatures so prone to sin---and guide and teach us, pray for us, intervening on our behalf, transforming us with His work if we are willing? HE IS SOOO GOOD! HE IS GOD.

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