Friday, December 25, 2009

Home for Christmas

This month has been very busy and exhausting with Jason's grandmother passing, Sam being sick, gearing up for the holidays,etc. Max got his camo-blue belt last week after doing his do-san form and completing a traditional side kick board break in karate. Sam was sick and I missed seeing the karate test (Jason took Max) since I was with Sam at the urgent care clinic for five hours getting him rehydrated. He got sick with a virus that went around his daycare on Thursday (12-17-09). He had to go back to the urgent care clinic the next day (Sunday) to make sure his kidneys, glucose level and hydration was back to normal. Saturday night Jason stayed up all night, setting an alarm every 90 minutes to get up and make Sam drink 4 oz. of pediayte. Wednesday I had to take him back again for more blood work since he was still sick. Ugh. Poor guy. By Thursday he seemed perfectly fine and woke me up jumping on my bed saying he was Staaaarving and to get up and make him some breakfast NOW!!!
The hardest part of the week was that later Wednesday afternoon, our beloved pet Moses passed away. He had the sweetest spirit and was great with the kids. I have had him since I was single and on my own. We even have a stocking for him hung up with our own. I am still trying to cope. I know it sounds silly, but his going is an even bigger hole in my heart than I imagined it would be. I am still finding myself crying at odd moments. I keep looking for him under my feet and getting up to let him out to potty or feed him. I truly feel and have always felt, since the moment I got him, that he was a gift from God, sent to help me. And he did! He gave nothing but love in his quiet, sweet way.
If I was sick, he used to jump up on the couch and lay on my feet until they warmed up and then layed down on the floor by the couch. If I got up he followed me everywhere I went. He knew I was going into labor before I did. I just thought it was cramping, but he kept following me and when I stood still, he looked up at me and put his paw on my foot each time to make sure I was ok. When the babies came home, he laid down flat as he could on his belly and slowly over a period of five minutes scooted up close to them and just watched them in awe. If they were sleeping and woke up crying, he would run to me and whine to make sure I knew until I got up and went in to check on them. He was so patient with the kids, letting them put hats, eye patches, etc. on him and sitting on him like a horse. He was such a blessing. It is amazing the blessing that animals can be in our lives. They truly are a gift from God.
Yes, I will eventually get another dog. I just need some time. The kids are already talking about it and thinking of names. But I can't imagine a dog better than Moses. From his first vet appointment at three months of age, the vet told me that he had severe allergies. They usually can't tell (the symptoms don't show) until three years of age, but his were already bad at three months. The day he passed, the vet told me that only Moses and one other dog, had she ever seen in her twenty years of practicing, that were as bad as they were. She had never seen any other cases like them. He lived a long life when you take into account his health issues. He was miserable physically, his entire life, yet he still had such a sweet, giving, loving spirit. He was unbelievable.
Sorry to be so sappy, but he was such a big part of my life. He was a member of our family and the hole he left is deeply felt. I will never forget him. I hope there are animals in heaven. I think there will be. I can't wait to see Moses there when it is my time to go. I know he will be wagging his tail and flipping my hand up ontop of his head to pet him.
The kids have been amazing with it. They keep sitting on my lap and kissing and hugging me. They both have told me several times that Moses is in a better place. He is in heaven with God and Jesus and G.G. and other loved ones we have lost and that he has a new, better body that doesn't stink. Oh the truth and honesty of kids. They make me laugh and remind me of the truth. God is still good. The kids have also reminded me that this is not our home...heaven is and that Moses is now home. We will see him when it is our time to to home. Yes, Moses is home for Christmas and so is Great Grandma Lucille. Hope you all are having a great party!!!

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