Sunday, December 6, 2009


This last Friday, Jason's grandmother, Lucille passed away. It is sad. It makes me think of my own mortality and my family's. In a way it is good. It reminds me to make each day count because this life is short compared to eternity. But it can also lead to worry. This route I have to guard against.

When I told my kids about Lucille's death they said they were sad. I asked if they understood that they wouldn't see her again. (They have already experienced the death of a relative; they attended my grandmother's funeral several years ago and their grandparents on Jason's side have been dead since before they were both born, but we talk about them.) Little Sammy corrected me and said, "No, no mom. We will see her again. We will see her in heaven when we go there." He was happy about it and so sincere. Oh what a blessings my boys are. They always remind me of the simple truths and of God's goodness. They always find a blessing in things. Their vision isn't as clouded as mine by scepticism, bitterness, anxiety. Even as a child, I was plagued by these things. but not my boys. It is a miracle.

It is hard not to worry about them. I know it is a part of parenting, but it can be taken to the extremes by over protecting our children or by being too permissive for fear of losing their love or stifling them. Both are perversions of our protective instincts. We must learn what to do with fear and anxiety. This is a constant issue in my all things, unfortunately. Over the years I have improved, but it will always be an issue I have to fight for balance in.

I have asked God time and time again what to do about my fears. The answer is always something I am not good at doing...PRAYER. When we fear we are to pray. Jesus always let children come to him, in fact he scolded his disciples for keeping children from him and said to specifically not keep them from him. Bring your child to him. Time and time again, parents brought their child to Jesus to heal and always Jesus healed and helped them. When parents pray Jesus responds.

The bible does not comment much about parenting issues. Instead, it leads us to pray. Pray about all things. If something is worth worrying about, it is worth praying about. Be a doer and not a stew-er. I don't know about you, but I tend to forget to pray and instead stew on things over and over until my anxiety increases. Thinking about every possible case scenario to prepare myself only turns me inward so that I cannot think of the needs of others or notice God's leading in something. Fear can dampen our patience and compassion. It squeezes the generosity and trust from us. Our only weapon against it is to pray. Prayer isn't my first instinct, but I want to make it so.

Lamentations 2:19 "Pour our your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children."

Learning about death has not frightened my children. In fact it has made them more secure. They understand that this life is short and that a better life is waiting for us in heaven. They have both made the decision to accept Christ into their hearts and know that they are going to heaven and that mom and dad are going there too someday. We will eventually all be there together and have new bodies that are better, super hero bodies as they call them, that aren't limited like the ones we have now. They know that heaven is soo much better than this life and look forward to it.

My boys aren't so focused on this life that they forget where their real home is. They talk about the relatives they will get to meet for the first time and those they get to see again on that day. They look forward to it and rejoice that they need not fear death. This allows them to be freed up to enjoy this life and be grateful for its blessings that God and Jesus give them daily. They can't wait to meet God and Jesus facet to face. I can't either.

When I fear, I remind myself that the worst thing that can happen is death and that has its blessings too. So FEAR NOT! Isn't that what Jesus, God and the angels say time and time again in the bible? If is important enough to be said so many times, by such important people, then I must do it and so must you. Lets FEAR NOT!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It is amazing how kids understand death. EmmyKate understands that Papa (my mom's dad) and Grandma Riley are in heaven and they get to be with Jesus and are so happy. However, I have found at Easter it is a little harder to explain that Jesus is alive, however Papa and Grandma Riley are not. That is the only thing that baffles her (and me) still.