Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wonderfully Made Mess

I think everyone struggles with their self image. We see ourselves through our own eyes, as well as the eyes of the world around us. That is the problem. We shouldn't look at what the world says, we are in the world, but not of it. We are His! We are the adopted children of god, formed and fashioned by his own hand, with works prepared in advance for us to do, every day planned and laid out for us, known by him...fearfully and wonderfully made! Amazing! But why is it so hard to believe, grasp? The world around us is so loud. It is intrusive, pushing its way in and taunting us with what it thinks we should be, which is almost always the opposite of what God says. The more you read His word, the more clear it becomes. This is why we need to spend more time in it. Sigh, yes I struggle with that I admit.

It reminds me of Max being teased about being little. At his yound 2 year old age (when it started, believe it or not)he and his peers thought that the only rule was that Bigger was always Better. Max struggled with this and even used to root for the giant Goliath when he watched the movie or read the story of David and Goliath. It took a long time of repeatedly talking to him about what is really important, which is being big on the inside...which he definintely is! The reality and truth of his struggle saddened me. It is all of our struggle. Whether it is power,size, money, beauty, image, is all the same...a passing gift only of importance in the fact that it can be used by God if allowed, just like all of our undeserved gifts. The only one true thing that is powerful, beautiful, big, our Lord and God...and Him in us. The more of him we have in us, guiding us, empowering us, walking with us,the bigger we are on the inside.

Anyway, this is what God says is important and worthy. "God does not see what man sees. Man looks at the outer appearance, but God looks at the heart." "Our beauty should not come from outward appearances, such as the braiding of hair or the wearing of gold and fine jewelry. It should come from the inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit Which Is Of Great Worth In God's Sight."

Growing up I used to be very shy. My twin sister did all of the socializing for me. I just tagged along. This verse was one I memorized and clung to. It carried me and saved me. Our Lord and His word tends to do that if we let it. Did I tell you that I need to spend more time in his word? Yeah right. The truth hurts and helps.

The other side of this problem of self image is that at the same time that we belittle ourselves and God's good work in us, we also struggle with the sin of seeing ourselves as better, more deserving than we are. What is up with that? That is what causes us to not trust God. It is a sort of pschizophrenic faith. "Our nature wars with itself so that we do not do what we want to do." Does this all sound familiar? It should. It is God's word and He, who created us, knows us so well!

So what should we do...give up? Never! Continue fighting the good fight. Regularly go to God in prayer, confess your sins so that you can see yourself honestly and get rid of any barrier between you and God. Then you are in a position to hear His voice. He will tell you the truth and remind you as many times as he needs to (for eternity) Who you are, Whose you are and How much you are worth. You are precious to Him, loved and forgiven. That is all we need to know. That truth alone, even when whispered to us as he quietly sings over us, is louder than any lies of the enemy or the world around us.

Fight on beloved! Stand in the truth of who you are and walk boldly everyday in whatever work he has called you to do for the moment. We are only as strong as the amount of power and provision we are willing to receive from our Lord. He is waiting to give it to you daily, just open up your clenched little fist and receive.
"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7) Believe the truth. Don't get your vision from the world, get it from the one who made you. You can do all things through Christ. Nothing is impossible with God.

I challenge you to read Psalm 139 to yourself every day this week or month, or more if needed. Can you tell I read it alot? Yeah, I need it too. Anyway, this has always been a favorite for me too, and helped me a lot. Try also reading it by inserting your name it it. Believe it and see the truth in it. If you do you will be amazed at how good our God is. Never forget that you are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made! Yes I am a fearfully and wonderfully made mess at times, yet wonderfully all the less!

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