Monday, May 11, 2009

Let God Move!

This last week I have felt like God was nudging me to let Him move in my life. I need to give him room to move. I have the tendency to squeeze Him out with the business and concerns of the day. My natural instict is to take control, or at least try to, as flimsy and inadequate as my abilities are. Anyway, I am trying to be more open for God to work. This takes flexibility, keeping our eyes on him and asking His guidance often. Most of the time I just go around in a fog, overly focused on the next job to do, I am too busy for God I am ashamed to admit.

If I want to see miracles at work and for God to make changes, to catch glimpses of my heavenly father and savior, taste and see of them...then I must give them room. I must put myself in a position (no matter how vulnerable it may be or feel)to need and receive. I must increase my awareness of how big God is, how good He is, how perfect He is. And yes, I must increase my awareness of how little, sinful and imperfect, weak, needy...etc. (I could go on forever)I am. There must be that truth, that honest, proper perspective for our eyes to be open to His work. We have to be in a right position ro receive, otherwise we will miss it. We won't see the opportunity or gift or else we will assume that it occured because of our abilities and effort and not God. I don't want to even think of the number of times I have probably missed it. Our God and Savior are gentlemen. They give us free will and never force themselves or their way on us.

Another barrier is unforgiveness of others, even ourselves. We have to forgive since He first forgave us. Who are we to do any less? It is not just for others, but even more for ourselves that we must forgive. God wants to unlock, unclog the barriers of unforgiveness and sin that keep Him at a distance from us. He longs to draw close if we would but let him. We must be aware of our faults and sins, but not be overwhelmed by them so that they don't paralyze us, but instead propel us towards our Lord. We are not defined by power, money, beauty, intelligence, status...none of these last. Everything fades, but the love of God and Jesus. That is how we need to define ourselves every day. We are forgiven, loved, his children, his beloved and we belong to the Great "I AM"! Trust Him enough to give him room to move in your life. Let down your guard today and be open to new things He may bring, work he may want you to do (prepared for you in advance). Walk in faith, confidence, boldness never letting timidity get in the way. He has great plans for you...Do them! Don't miss out.

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