Saturday, December 6, 2008

Book Information

The book, Hoo Hoos for God and Jesus is for kids between the ages of two to eight. It currently sells for around $6.99. It is available through Tate Publishing Company ( ), Borders ( ), Barnes and Noble ( ), and ( ). This is the first book of mine that has been published. I am a newbie at this. The biggest hurdle in the process of being published is getting the word out that the book even exists. It may be available at these sites, but not visible on the store's physical shelves. Most of the time it is available by ordering it, so people have to know in advance about it to even know to ask for it. There is no opportunity for incidental sales, people seeing it at the store, liking it and getting it. So I hope to get the word out to everyone that it is available. Run and get it! Tell anyone that you know about it. That would be a huge help. Only then can the book be a blessing to others and not just me.

By the way, it is a great gift for Christmas, stocking stuffers, birthday gifts and baby showers. Many of my friends have used it for this purpose and loved it, besides with their own kids. I am also offering up an invitation!!! I am going to have a book signing coming up and would love to see you there. Here's the information for it:

When: December 20, 2008 between 2:00-4:00
Where: Borders-21st and B.A. expressway in Tulsa, OK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great. I'll be there.