Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Take A Step Without Him

Well, the year has started out with a bang. I was sick with the stomach virus this last weekend and couldn't keep anything down Saturday and Sunday. Finally was fully recovered Monday night. But Wednesday, yesterday, I saw surgeon for my gall bladder issues and need to have it removed. Scheduled that for February 1st and will be out of work for two weeks. Then a few hours later got a call between client visits that my sister, Brook had fallen at a McDonald's and I needed to drive there to help her. Halfway there I got the call she was being taken by ambulance to St. Francis and had to turn around. She has a broken kneecap and is having surgery today to reattach the muscles and tendons that were pulled away with the break. Ouch. She is in a lot of pain and stressed out not just thinking of being off work for a long time, but taking care of her two boys. Please pray for her quick recovery. Several years back she broke both ankles at the same time in a fall. This is her nightmare, to be in a similar place again. Ugh.

The worst part of it was that the staff at the McDonald's ignored her. The customers just stepped over her and didn't help her either (she fell in front of the door as she was going out). She cried and screamed for help for 5 minutes before a sweet lady in the back heard her and came to her rescue. She stayed with her the whole time, retrieved her purse and made calls for her. She said she was new to Tulsa and hadn't found a job yet so had all the time in the world to be with her and wouldn't leave her. What an angel. Brook didn't get her name unfortunately, she was still having a panic attack set off by being left helpless as no one would help her. Can you believe it? It makes me so angry! Help me Jesus. I don't need to be bitter and angry. It is too easy to go there and stay there, as I have learned. Whew, deep breath. Anyway, talk about a bad day.

The funny, and awesome "God Thing" about it was the sweet woman and the fact that I felt spiritually prepared for a trial that day. My quiet time yesterday morning talked about God being with us always. When we walk the ascents and descents on the mountain trail and rough terrain, we are not overwhelmed by fatigue or trials. We aren't going to jump ahead or take a shortcut to the peak, because we trust You, Lord and know that You are with us. When we seek and acknowledge your presence, always with us, we are not alone. We can make it! But only if we go with You and not off on our own. Too often we forget this and that is where we go wrong and off the path and discouragement sets in. Even if the path seems wrong and not to make sense, God knows. He can see much farther ahead than you. His ways are perfect. Walk in them, and not on your own. (Mathew 11:28-30) (Joshua 1:5 & 9).

Lord, help me to seek You and follow You. Pitiful as it is, I can't do it on my own. I need your help even to seek you! Even in the first step, I can't make it on my own. (John 15:5) and John 5:19). I need help to focus on you and expand my vision to see you in everything---all day---everyday. If we seek we will find you. That is your promise. Help me Lord. I am asking and seeking. I won't take a step without you. (Psalm 27:8) (Philippians 4:7) (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Don't take a step with out Him. I know Brook won't and I won't. (Again, please pray for a fast recovery for her). (But perfect injury for the analogy don't you think?) (Sorry Brook, love you).

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