Monday, February 28, 2011

Sweet Sammy's 6th

Sorry so long since writing. Things have been busy as usual. Sam had his 6th birthday. We had a small family party planned for February 12th, but with the snow still hanging around no one would have a place to park on the side of the road if they even got here. Sooo we postponed it until the next weekend. Sam was sad, so we took him sledding and built a snowman with a mohawk. It was really cute. He opened his presents from us and we took him to dinner. He wanted to go to Cheesecake Factory so we did. Little did we know that it would take us an hour to get from home to the mall (which should have taken 15 minutes normally). The whole world was out and we just sat in traffic stuck. Once inside the mall parking lot it was still standstill, even with security guards trying to help direct the traffic. It was mayhem. Normally we would just avoid it and go somewhere else, but Sam wanted it and he had already been dissappointed with his party postponed. Besides that we couldn't get out of it all. It took so long we ran out of gas once in the parking lot of the restaurant. (We weren't the only ones. It happened to many people. It was so crazy the radio stations talked about it the next few days saying it was the worse traffic ever, even compared to black Friday or the holiday shopping. People had never seen anything like it before here.)

We ate dinner and it got dark, then Jason had to go walk to get gas. I took the kids to the mall and we walked around til Jason met back up with us. It was an INSANE, stressful evening. Ugh. Well, the saga wasn't quite over. The next Saturday we DID have Sam's party, but halfway through it he said he had a headache and didn't want a piece of his icecream cake he had wanted us to get him so badly. Then he asked if he could go to his room and lay down before he even opened his gifts. I took his temp. and it was 102. Poor little guy. He was fine that morning before. It hit fast....but it also left fast. By 5:00 that evening his temp. was gone and he ate fine the whole next day and has been fine since. Strange! It was like it came just for the party to sabotage him again, then left. The one good thing is that Sam didn't seem to be upset about it at all. He never said a word about his party being ruined. Sweet Sammy.

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