Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sooo Snow Fun!

Here are some of the fun things we did during the two week snow fest we had. The kids have been out of school for 9 days counting tomorrow. We had fun growing crystals. Here are some blue, yellow and red crystals we grew on rocks. Cool!!!

Here is a blue geode that we are growing. Pretty.

These are some bouncy crystals. They are squishy and soft.

I watched Brook's boys for two days and she watched mine so that we could go to the office a couple of times---only for paperwork. No home visits for therapy. I don't travel in this stuff!

We did a science experiment where we separated salt from pepper. It was fun. You sprinkle salt and pepper on a plate then rub a balloon in your hair to generate static electricity. Then just hold it close to the plate and you can hear little soft pings as the salt lifts up onto the balloon. Yes I heard lots of whines for "projects" sooo, what's a mom to do? Try this one it is fun.

Crazy Maizie loved digging holes in the snow. It was hard to get her back inside each time she went out. She whined to go out and play more in it. Her new nickname is the Abominable Snow Dog!

More crystals. Here are the crystals grown on rocks again and a glow in the dark geode. And yes...It Works! We used a dark closet to see it glow.

Scientist Sam making crystals.

Max and Maizie playing in the snow. It only lasted about five minutes before Max and Sam got too cold. The sad thing about this looooong big snow was that it wasn't good to play in since the temperatures were too cold to be outside.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....Ok, enough snow. REALLY!

Hope your winter wonderland is fun and not making you stir crazy.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, I can't believe how much snow you are getting. And thanks for the tips on the picture collection. I had actually thought about doing the frames, so I just might have to. She gets mad too if she finds her pictures in the trash, but when she comes home each day with at least 10 drawings from daycare, I can't keep them all.