Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Ok, so back to the book Crazy Love. If you are tired of hearing about it, sorry, this is the last blog. I finally finished the bible study. But it has really spoken to me. Since I was little, I have longed to be used by God in some way. I wanted to do Something to show him how much I loved him and how grateful I am...Something to show others about God and Jesus and how much they love them...Something to help others...Something! Not that I want to be famous, and I know I will never be Saintly...not until I get to heaven and become a saint and throw off this worldy, self-seeking rag of a body that weights my spirit...Anyway, back to the Something.

I think many people struggle with this good notion and aspiration, But What To Do? What am I supposed to do? I keep waiting for a divine inspiration from God and then many fleeces to confirm it and constrain my anxiety. Oooh. The reality is that God just wants me to do what I can when I see the opportunity. If He calls me to Africa to be a missionary then I need to respond in obedience. But not everyone is called to do that. So what do the rest of us do? Pray daily for God to open your eyes and heart to opportunities around you to step out of your comfort zone and serve Him and others. This life is not about serving ourselves, not even about just serving our loved ones and friends, but to extend ourselves out to others...the world, especially the difficult, unlovely, even scary people we encounter. We need to be purposeful about it to make it happen.

Now the danger is that we will make our relationship with God into a chore. Serving and sacrifice is not to be a chore, but a priviledge. We are honored by being allowed to be part of God's work and purposes. He doesn't NEED us...or anything from us. But it is His Good Will to make us in his image and prepare good works in advance for us to do alongside Him, not on our own but with His help. We can rejoice in this work, this sacrifice because it is a priviledge and God promises a Reward for it. The more we do this, we realize we are not the givers, but actually the recipients of the gifts that come from it. Just like when I have been on a Mission trip to Costa Rica. The two times I went, I went thinking (arrogantly) that I would go to be a blessing to others. But I was humbly shown that I was the one blessed the most. The people I went to serve and help, were much greater servants and served me and blessed me the whole time I was there.

I love this saying from George Bernard Shaw. "This is true joy in life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy."

We have a distinct choice to make...we can just let life happen (which is not serving or following God, just following our own desires and comforts) or we can actively run towards Christ. We need to WANT TO SEE GOD more than we want our own COMFORT. I fear I crave comfort more most of the time. I crave security more than seeing God move and work in my life and others. Ugh! If feel like a wretch. But that doesn't help matters. I must stop wallowing and start seeking Him and enjoying Him in the process. Yes, sacrificing and serving is Enjoyable when done with the right spirit. We must go out of our comfort zone to do this...this makes it God's work and power and not our own. This is when a witness is made and miracles happen and God is seen, not us. Having FAITH, stepping out in faith can be scary. That is what makes it require FAITH. But it is also exciting. There is nothing like it. I have to constantly remind myself that Comfort/Security and Excitement/Faith can't go together. Our security and comfort is to be found in God and Jesus alone. I admit, as awful as it sounds, that I like to surround myself with Things that provide me with so called Security. My anxiety pushes me towards this selfish response. I just need to remind myself of the TRUTH that God is my provider. It is only when I walk out this truth that I see God do the impossible. When we are out of our comfort zone and our abilities and power aren't enough, that is when God happens, He comes through to show what He and Faith can do. We won't see miracles until we are in a position to Need them! If we only allow ourselves to be in situations where God is not needed and we can do things on our own (which is where we tend to stay) then we won't see God. That is sad.

So we are called to Love others and we do this through serving and sacrificing. It is easy to Love if it costs us nothing, but that is not really Love. But is love and sacrifice worth it? YES. Wouldn't you do anything for your children? God and Jesus feel the same towards us. When we sacrifice there is a cost, but there is also a great reward and blessing from it. The more love we give the more love that grows in us. It is a direct response to our investment. When we invest ourselves in things we care more about them. The same is true in investing ourselves in others, especially those outside our family and friends.

So a big question is, what are we doing right now that requires Faith? What are we doing that takes us out of our comfort zone? There is more to faith than friendliness, politeness and even kindness. You may wonder, who really lives that way? There are many people who have done so and been a mighty witness to us: Rich Mullins (my fav), George Mueller, Elizabeth and Jim Elliot,etc.) and many heroes of the bible. Like I said before, though, not all are called to be a missionary in a foreign land, or sell their house to give the money to the poor,etc. We all have a unique call from God. Some are called to do these things, not all, but we are called to do Something. We have all been given different spiritual and physical gifts from God to use wisely to serve him. I love what Francis Chan wrote, that "Our God is a creator and not a duplicator!"

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. Thre are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." (Paul).

We need not read things and be just inspired. God gives us mountaintop experiences, but we can't stay there. That does us and nobody any good. We must then go back down into the valley to use the memory to spur us on to good works to serve God and others. Memories/Mountain top experiences are wonderful, but do we live differently because of them? Ask yourself, "Is this what I want to be doing when Christ comes back? Is what I am doing, where I am at in my work/life, benefitting God's work and others? What will people say about my life when I am in heaven? Will the saints in heaven speak about God being glorified through your life? Can we answer the Kings' question, "What did you do with what I gave you?"

These are good questions to think about. Now we must act on them and do SOMETHING...whatever God calls us to do. Ask Him daily to open your eyes to His work and where you can join in and enjoy the scary, exciting, blessing and priveledge of joining in His work.

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