Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I am thankful for Thanksgiving. It was a fun and busy day. We got up early to cook then went to Claremore to my parent's house. My mom had made cute felted knit hats for all of us girls, hence the picture. As usual we all stuffed ourselves with food, except for my boys who ate nothing, not even a roll. I talked Sam into taking a tiny bite of potato out of a buffet potato casserole and he kept gagging loudly so the next room of people could all hear it. I kept yelling, "It's like a little french fry. You like french fries. Just swallow it! Finally Sam gagged super loud and threw up the tiny pinky tip sized potato piece and lots of mucus along with it. It flew across the table and hit me right on target, splattering the table and butter dish along the way. Gross. Thank goodness it was just the kids' table I sat at and not the adult table. Yes, we were all done eating after that and I cleaned up the gross mess. If only I could change places with my boys for a month, then they could finally gain weight and grow and I could lose weight. If only...
Oh, and speaking of eating, Yes! I did get the yummy bag of Chex Mix my Aunt Judy made! Yeaaaah Judy! You are the best. Of course my kids didn't eat lunch, but they kept trying to talk me into letting them eat the Chex Mix. Not on their lives! They had to wait until the next day until they had eaten a meal finally.
Well, after the lunch table fiasco, the kids all decorated Mimi's tree for her and put up Christmas decorations in her house. Later we went to Coffeyville KS to see Jason's cousins and aunts and uncles. Then we headed back to Claremore to get the leftover food we left there and then headed back to Tulsa. I was exhausted. The kids were fussing, wanting to put up our tree and Christmas decorations, but I made them wait until the next morning.
Finally on Sunday, I bribed Max into letting Jason pull his loose tooth. He looks so cute and sounds adorable with his tooth gone as he lisps. It is only his third tooth he has lost and the last one came out on Christmas Eve last year. This one has been a long time coming. I told Max I would buy him a puzzle once it was out. As we were walking into the store he said, "Mom, I know what I can do with the money the tooth fairy leaves me." I asked him what. He said, "It can be an offering." I asked, "You mean to God? Give it to the church as an offering?" He said, "Yes". I wanted to cry. How sweet. That made my Thanksgiving this year. What made yours?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yeah again for the ChexMix! I have already eaten our whole bag. And those hats are adorable.