Thursday, May 13, 2010

Words of Wisdom?

Here are some funny things my kids have been saying:

1. Sam likes to use the word "actually" in just about every other sentence.
2. He also seems to think the new cool word is "Lame". Riding home from "school" the other day he was talking about how girls were lame; which is actually quite funny because his best freinds at school are a couple of girls in his class.
3. Sam ordered a corn dog at a restaurant last weekend. The stick had a really sharp end where they had skewered the hot dog onto it. Sam looked at me quite seriously and told me, "Mom, I have to be careful eating it so that I don't spear my uvula!" Yes, he likes the word uvula a lot also. Can you tell he takes after his mom in his love for words? Word Girl!
4. Max brought up again how he looks like a professional dancer or ice skater in his school uniform the other night so I started singing "Tiny Little Dancer" by Elton John as I put him to bed. I couldn't stop giggling. He has really been into roller skating lately which kind of fits the theme. He has a roller skating party tonight for a friends birthday and also next weekend for his own birthday. I think we should make sure he wears his skating outfit/school uniform for these events. What do you think?
5. Sam is really into getting his nails painted. The girls that teach his class in the afternoon at his daycare/school paint all the girl's nails about every other week. They also do Sam's. He loves it. He likes them painted green or black and calls them his monster nails. His favorite is the first day he gets them painted. He sticks them up my nose and tells me to smell them. "Are they gross and stinky?" he asks. Lovely.
6. Max comes home (Sam also to tell the truth) with the fabulous stories made up by his friends. They can't possibly be true, but he believes them...all of them. So far he hasn't figured out the art of exaggeration or confabulation. I tell him it can't really be true and he acts like I am crazy or just not so smart because I don't understand and KNOW these things. Because these things are really, really true. How early do the teenage years start? Just asking.

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