Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break!!!

Finally, Spring Break is here and none too soon. I have worked the last two days and get to take off for the next three. Yeah!!! My kids spent Sunday and Monday night with Mimi and Papa and their cousins too. They had a blast. I have figured out why it was sooo much fun. They got to eat as much candy as they wanted and didn't have to take any baths or brush thier teeth for two days. They were in heaven. Yikes! Oh well, it was only for a short while. I know when they go to Mimi and Papa's all rules are gone. My mom wants them to remember having fun with her and loving it at Mimi's house. I think she found the way to their heart this week. All joking aside, she has always known how to make everything fun and special. She always did this for us as a mom, when I was growing up, and still does this for me as an adult and for my kids. What greater blessing is there than a great Mom and Dad/Mimi and Papa? I and my kids are truly blessed. A big shout of thanks to you Mimi and Papa!!!! By the way, Max told me this morning (as he often does) that Mimi has the best stuff at her house and everything is more fun there. You have accomplished your goal mom. Kudos to you! Lots of love!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Aunt Alice's house was always fun and she knows how to spoil really well!