Sunday, June 28, 2009

Where's Waldo?/Where's Jesus?

At my Sunday school class today, the teacher challenged us all to something I hadn't ever thought about. He said that every chapter in the bible has Jesus' fingerprints on it. The challenge was for us to read the bible, each of its chapters looking for Jesus. It made me think of a "Where's Waldo?" game.

Well, I have been needing to come up with a new plan for spending scripture reading time so I guess I will call it the "Where's Jesus?" mission. I think it will be really cool. I have never thought about doing this before. Nor have I realized or thought about the fact that Jesus and God's saving plan is a constant theme found throughout the entire bible, from beginning to end.

So go from Genesis to Revelation and take up the challenge to find Jesus. He is there. I know in doing so I will find an even bigger blessing from the gift of God's word. If you decide to join me in the mission, let me know how it is going! I would love the feedback.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Passion for Pride or People?

I have had so much fun this weekend (despite the fussing and fighting mixed into the giggling and smiles---because you know the two always have to go together at the age of 4 and 6.). Oh what joy to see my two boy joys playing together. They have been making tents together and even making sure Moses, our dog joins into the adventure of their make believe play world. They are hilarious, so much fun to watch. Oh to be so honest, open, joyful and uninhibited by the world. Why do we have to grow up?

Ok, we do need to grow up. But in the process we need not leave behind our joy and openness. The world seems to press down on us with its expectations, but some of them are incorrect. We need to look to God and Jesus for what really matters. Did Jesus care what others thought of him? I don't think so. He was ridiculed for eating with and hanging out with sinners. Hmmm, wouldn't that include all of us? Who could he hang out with who wasn't a sinner? Only himself and he wasn't a lone ranger.

No he included others in his life, love, ministry. He took time to pour himself out into the lives of his disciples so that they could carry on his work and help others...all the world. He let them spit on him, beat him, scourge him, mock him, torture him and kill him. Why? To honor God, obey his will and save others. There is no room for pride in following God. I have to remind myself daily. It doesn't matter what man thinks, only what God thinks. If I follow the world/man/others, then I am not following God. I must let go of every hinderance in running the race set before me. And oh what a hinderance and weight the requirements of the world are to us. We can never meet them. So why not stop trying? Just focus on serving and following God.

Still, this is not an easy task. We will fail and falter...often. But there is grace in his path. He knows our frailties and humanness and has already covered our mistakes with his blood, grace and provided help along the way. He will never leave us nor forsake us, unlike the world. So let go of pride. The goal of a perfect image is unattainable. The goal of being perfect is unattainable. It only exists for one...Jesus, our savior. So seek after him, be aware of your faults, don't hide them or be ashamed, but walk in his grace and forgive yourself and others. Then continue the race. If you hide behind false pretenses of pride, you are not living in reality. Let go. Give it up. Free youself of the pointless pursuit.

Pride is the ultimate sin. It leads us to all the other sinful paths we can find ourselves on. Remember what Satan was ruined by? He was the highest ranked angel, the most beautiful and gifted, but still, his pride got ahold of him, ate away at his peace and caused him to become the enemy of God. He decided he wanted to become God and take over his place. Sound familiar? It is scary to think that, that is what we do in our own little ways everyday. Don't we want to be in control and tell God what to do? Eeeek. The truth hurts...but it is helpful for change. Pride is evil and insidious. It creeps in subtly at first and them tightens its grip on us. We have a passion for pride, bitterness and anger, but not a passion for people. We must have a passion for loving others. Pride inhibits that. It narrows our world down to just us. Expand your vision and in doing so break the bonds of pride. Stop looking at yourself and keep refocusing your vision on others and God.

In bending our knees to serve others we are not becoming thier slaves or servants. It is not demeaning, but uplifting. It adds character, meaning, depth to our lives that nothing else can. Living for ourselves is living for nothing. Live for God and serve others as an outpouring of that love. You will be amazed at the results. It is a daily struggle, but it is worth it.

So give, love, laugh freely. Extend yourself to others and join in the play. It is a joyful work to serve God and others. Our God is very creative and powerful. Let him use you in his amazing plan of serving others. It is the best ride ever! Even though we grow up we are still His children...children of God. So live and give joyfully. God loves to see us that way.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Messy Mastepeices

This is sort of a continuation on the theme of Divine Difficulties I guess. Can you tell I used to be obsessed with perfectionism? I was a little OCD as a child and would actually get up in the middle of the night one or more times to remake my bed with hospital bed corners because it would drive my crazy if it wasn't perfectly neat. When did I do this? From elementary school and on up until college. Yes, my messy roomates in college were divinely chosen for me to help me let go of my issues. God has a way of doing this for us. (At least for me, it is a theme. I am trying not to take it the wrong way. Huh. What does that say about me? Oh well.)

This week my son Max has made a tie dye t-shirt and Sam has painted some pictures at thier daycares. Max continued the artistic theme by finding a web site on cartoon network where he made spin art. It was so cute and fun. He made them for his great granda and his Mimi (grandma).

I love the art my kids make and frequently frame them. I have many framed pictures they have painted hanging in their rooms. It is so cute. There are a few favorites that I will keep to hang up in the rest of the house when they grow up and don't want them in their rooms. I am amazed at how much I treasure these. I can't get enough of their creations.

This does not fit my perfectionistic impulse. But the rule does not apply to my kids, nor to art. If a piece of art is too perfect it is not interesting. The slight imperfections make them unique and special and interesting. They add more character to the piece. They add the human touch. I don't want a piece of art work done by a computer/robot/machine. I want it done by a person. That way it is personal and special.

I am daily reminded that, that is how God sees us. Our frailties, weaknesses, imperfections are still beautiful in his eyes. They do not diminish the glory and love he sees and feels for us. Do we not feel the same about our own loved ones he has given us? How much more so with God!

Now don't get me wrong. It is not that God loves sin or sickness or weakness. But he still loves us and sees beauty in us. He can also use anything for his good and still create a work of art out of us. He does make beauty from ashes. so don't despair of your imperfections. Accept them and make the best of them. Allow God to still use you...all of you, strengths and weaknesses. Let go of your pride. God has not given you a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-control. Rejoice in the person God made you to be.

Don't shy back from him using you due to fear of failure or shame over weakness and imperfections. God is not looking for perfect people. If he was, he would be very lonely. He knows us well and our imperfections. That is why he sent Jesus and paid such a high price for our salvation. He knows very well who we really are and still loves us fiercely. Rejoice in that truth and let it free you. Isn't it great to be His messy masterpiece!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grumbling Israelites

Yes, I am living with the grumbling Israelites. My kids have been very fussy this week, well, for the last month to be honest. My patience is wearing thin. But as always, one good thing can come out of our trials. Every time my kids start fussing, it reminds me of the Israelites grumbling in the desert and how God must have felt. He provided for them, saved them, guided them and made them his own special people (Family), but still they were not satisfied. Aren't we the same? Are we ever satisfied? If we aren't, then we are'nt spending enough time with God in his presence in prayer, His word, and worship.

I admit, I am the biggest grumbler of all. Why? Ugh. It is the core of my sinful nature. How quickly I forget how good my God is. How many times have I made him cringe with the sound of my fussing? How many times have I brought tears to his eyes? But thank goodness he is tireless, forgiving, loving and patient. God knows our tendencies to sin. That is why he sent his son Jesus to save us. Thank goodness for his God-ness, his nature, who he is, the great "I am". What would we do if he was anything less than who he was?

So, if---(oops), "when" you are frustrated with your kid's (or co-worker's, or spouse's, etc.) fussing, use it as an opportunity to praise God and remember how good he is. It is a quick reality check, reminding us how we all behave at times...too often. So carpe diem, seize the day for Christ and find a way to make every frustration and trial an opportunity to draw close to God or help others. Turn your fussing into praises and save the day!