Sunday, March 11, 2012

Know the One Who Knows

Hey Y'all. Long time no see. This year has started off rough. I had a strange premonition it would. When God takes new territory for freedom in a Christian's life, there is always a battle and the enemy wants to stop it. Praise God! Yeehaw! So glad that God is doing a work and that it is worthy of the attention of the enemy. Only when we are a threat to the enemy does he attack. I hope I am always a threat to him, but don't always want, actually seldom want, Ok, ok, never want to deal with the difficulties that come with it.

What's up with the Okie accent today? Good question. I asked that myself and don't know. Just one of my strange quirks my kids are used to. I also love to spontaneously make up silly songs about random things for the kids. They think I'm a dork, but secretly I think they love it. If not, at least I do. Who cares if I'm a dork if I'm happy and having fun. Gotta do what it takes to keep a positive attitude, am I right? Right. So, with all that said, if I still have your attention, let's talk about spiritual attacks.

I'm still reading "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyers and my pastor is doing a series on "Giants" we face in our lives spiritually. Pretty much about areas of spiritual attack also. Cool! It has blended together perfectly for all of us in my bible study group. God is doing something here! This year in December, Jason had shoulder surgery, In January, Brook fell and shattered her kneecap (and is still recovering), February I had gall bladder surgery and still don't feel quite up to par. On top of that my family has been ill several times with various viruses. Usually I don't get sick often because my immune system is high from my job, being exposed to sick little ones often. Well, I'm no longer immune. Ugh!

But, I'm still stoked because I'm so aware of things God has done in my family's life, blessing us. We are tithing more than we ever have and are the most financially stable we have ever been. We recently got hooked into a great bible study group and feel like we are being challenged and growing spiritually again. Yay! I'm finally at a place that I can look back at our past trials and not be so bitter and hurt by them. I can see God at work and how he has brought good out of them. My faith is stronger by them, which I didn't think was possible. I felt for so long that they were making me more bitter than better, more hellish than heavenly.

Now I have not achieved sainthood or anything like that...still far from it unfortunately, but I'm learning from difficulties and not so overwhelmed by them. I have more peace than I ever thought was possible for an anxiety addicted girl like me. I have more hope than hurt in my heart. Ok, sometimes I still get discouraged, wanting to be made perfect NOW. It is a slow process growing in Christ. It is a battlefield of the mind, as Joyce says. If the enemy can control our mind, he can control our lives. Whoa pardner, is that scary or what? The renewing of our minds doesn't happen all at once, but little by little. You might say Ugh! Which is what I normally say. But actually it is a good thing. If we received it all at once, the enemy would have a foothold to steal it away. (Deuteronomy 7:22) "And the Lord your God will clear out those nations before you little by little; you may not consume them quickly, lest the beasts of the field increase among you." Pride is the beast that can take over if freedom is achieved too quickly. We receive it one area at a time so that we can appreciate it as a true gift from God and not something we make happen ourselves in our own strength.

We have to start renewing our minds by "thinking about what we are thinking about". I seldom do this. What do I think about? Worry, anxious thoughts, trying to figure out how to juggle things, fix things, what I need to do next... I need to stop that pattern and pay attention to my thoughts, take them captive to Christ and choose to deliberately think about God's promises to me. Think about the truth when the enemy bombards me with lies. Scripture memorization helps a lot with this. God has used it greatly in my life to help with my anxiety and fear. If you speak the truth of God's promises, the enemy can't stick around to keep whispering lies to you. Victory!

But it is an ongoing fight we must battle. As soon as we feel at peace, anxious, negative thoughts can start creeping back in. Keep fighting the good fight! I tell my kids often that they have a choice in their attitude. They can choose to be positive and look for the good and God in situations, or they can choose to be negative and miserable. It is up to them. Sadly, it took me way, way too many years to figure this simple thing out. I grew up thinking that if I thought of the worst case scenario, actually every bad possible scenario, than I would be prepared and not knocked off my feet when bad things happened. I actually thought I would be happier to not expect the best and if a miracle happened and good things happened, then I would be even happier. NOT TRUE!!! I wasted way too much energy and time worrying. The cost was so high it kept me miserable and trapped. Don't believe the lies of the enemy. Trust in the one who is true and who loves you.

Joyce talks about having a healthy mind that is free from worry, wandering , confusion and reasoning. We need to be still, stop the distractions, and focus on God. We shouldn't reason out things that God has told us to do. Just obey. Reasoning opens up the door to the enemy deceiving us, making us question just what it is that God wants. Here are good excerpts from the book, pages 90 and 91. "I once asked the Lord why so many people are confused and He said to me. 'Tell them to stop trying to figure everything out, and they will stop being confused'.".....If we know in our spirit that a thing is wrong, we should not allow reasoning to talk us into doing it. Also, if we know something is right, we must not allow reasoning to talk us out of doing it."..."There are times when God leaves huge question marks as tools in our lives to stretch our faith. Unanswered questions crucify the flesh life. It is difficult for human beings to give up reasoning and simply trust God, but once the process is accomplished, the mind enters into a place of rest."...'You and I must grow to the place where we are satisfied to know the One who knows, even if we ourselves do not know. (I. Corinthians 2:1-2).

So, all we need to know is the One who knows all. Got it? Simple, but not easy. It is an ongoing adventure and process. But it is worth it. Saddle up pardner and ride with me. The terrain isn't always smooth and flat, but even the mountainous regions are beautiful in all their rough, jagged, difficulties. The air may be thinner and harder to breathe, but it is also purer, clearer there and the view is great. It will do wonders for your spirit!

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