Saturday, December 10, 2011

Art Trading Cards

My kids love art, drawing, painting, PROJECTS,etc. My youngest son, Sam's favorite word is "project", which he loves to yell like a banshee on days we don't have school. Needless to say, it keeps me creative. Well, my sister, Brook had a great idea she read about. As soon as she told me I had to go out and get the materials for her and my kids to do it. I am so excited about it.
The kids are making art trading cards. Hobby Lobby has paper the size of baseball cards that are blank. I got these and binders and the clear plastic sheets with pockets to hold 9 cards in per page. It cost me about 11 bucks per kid. Pretty cheap. The kids have already filled up one page tonight drawing pictures.
I love my kid's art and have it on my fridge and on their walls, framed. But I'm always running out of room. Even putting them in drawers takes up space. I don't want to tell you the TRAUMA that ensues if the kids find one of their pictures in the trash (despite me trying to hide them under other things so not found). Ugh. Well, this saves lots of space.
The cards are small and the kids can trade them with other kids if they want to, but theifavorites they will keep. They are all neatly displayed in their special books. I put two pictures, one on front and one on the back of thier notebooks in the clear cover-regular sized pictures they had done in art class at school. This made them look even more special.
Anyway, if you have kids this might be the perfect idea for you. It will keep mine entertained for months, maybe a few years to fill it up. Thanks for the idea sis!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love this idea!!! I think we are going to have to do this.