Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Tidbits From My Two Boys

1. My nephew Carson said a profound thing to me the other night. He said that to him, it seemed like April related to God's tears at Jesus' crucifiction and death with all the rain that occurs. But May related to God's joy that his Son was raised back to life again so that the sun shone and flowers bloomed. Wow! Out of the mouths of babes. He is growing up so fast. A profound eleven year old.

2. Last week I was praying with Sam and putting him to bed. (I can't remember if I told this story yet) He prayed and I told him I was so proud of him and he was such a sweet boy with a good heart. I then got up and walked to the door and he all of a sudden said out of the blue, "And mom, I won't ever go to Hooter's." I laughed and said good, why? He said, "Because I respect girls." I laughed again and said good, I'm glad. Several weeks ago we had driven by Hooters on the way home and the boys always say I need to go there because it has a big owl on it and I like owls because of my children's book I wrote. Anyway, I sheepishly said no, I didn't think I should go there. They kept asking why and I had to say that the girls that work there dress skimpily and not modestly and show off too much of their body. The boys wanted to know why they did that and I had to explain that some people like that because they like the attention and think they feel prettier that way, but God tells us to be modest and not show off too much of our body and respect it. Some guys like to see pretty girls dressed that way and think it is pretty but it isn't respectful to women. I didn't think they understood or listened and forgot about it. Well, I guess it sunk in. Hugh, you never know.

3. I prayed with Sam again a few nights ago and he traced his little fingers around the boo boo's on my face (I have been breaking out in pimples a lot lately...ugh!). Anyway, I said that I know, mommy has boo boos and they aren't pretty. Sam said, "But God thinks you're pretty." I said yes! Because he looks at our hearts. Sam looked serious and said, "Even if you have lots of wrinkles, God still thinks you're pretty." I had to laugh and say yes. But then I wondered, does he think I'm that wrinkled? Oh how little he knows. I am only getting started with them and it will only get worse. Out of the mouths of babes again.

4. After I prayed with Max the other night he kissed me and I told him how beautiful my brown eyed boy was. He smiled and said, "You're more beautiful." I disagreed and said he was. Then of course he said, no I was. Then he looked serious and said, "You know, to be humble you have to put others before yourself mom." I guess that was his reason to compliment me. It is their virtue for this month at Sunday school. He keeps talking to me about things and situations that relate to having humility and how to display it. Wow, they are doing a good job at his Sunday school class. Way to go teachers!

5. Well, both the boys tested again for new belts in Karate and Sam has a new Cammo-blue belt and Max has a blue belt. They are getting so big! I will post pictures when I can get Jason to help me.

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