Sunday, January 31, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes, Have the Spirit of a Child

Ok, I was asking my kids yesterday what they loved the most...I wrote about their answers on the last blog. Well, I also asked them what they feared the most also. I got the typical answers of spiders and vampires and fire. Well, my littlest boy, Sam (remember 4, almost 5!...He wants to make sure that is clear) came up to me this morning as I was making my coffee and said, "Mom I changed my mind. What I am most afraid of is walking out of God's will." I as stunned and said, "You mean not obeying God and following him?" He said yes. I guess he remembered that, that was my answer yesterday when they turned the question around on me.

It is amazing what Kids take in and process. Boy do they amaze me. I know every parent thinks their kids are amazing, but mine sure blow me away and humble me. What wise little souls they have. By the way, Sam followed up a few seconds later with the remark that, "Vampires really weren't real anyway and everyone knows that".

So lets focus on the real danger. Other things can only hurt our bodies, but our soul remains safe with God. Our eternal home with God and Jesus can't be stolen from us. But we can become complacent and forget the importance of God and Jesus and following them. We can become scared of the boogey man, our finances and of losing our comfort so that we don't follow God. Remember, he won't lead us astray. We are only here for a short time to accomplish what he created us for. Don't miss out on the adventure. There are no regrets in heaven. As Sam so aptly stated, the thing to fear most is falling out of God's will and not obeying and following Him. If a 4, almost 5 year old can get this, I think the rest of us can!!!!

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