Sunday, April 5, 2009

More on the Blood

I was just thinking the other day about the blood speaking to us and another thought hit me, one most of you have already thought about, but here goes...DNA. Blood does have a way of speaking to us and for us. Even the dead can have thier DNA speak for them if need be (e.g. coroner, police, etc.) So yes, the blood of Christ does speak to us and for us in more ways than one. His blood is recognized as belonging to the Son of God. When Jesus died for us and shed his blood for us, when we accept it to make the payment for our sins it cleanses us, pouring itself over us so that God recognizes us now as new. Our DNA signature is different, it is Christ's. Our sinful, ruined bodies and spirits are no longer tainted, but pure because of Jesus. His blood is seen on us, covering us, replacing ours with his purity, his inheritance, so we can be adopted as belonging to God. No longer are we enemies of God, but adopted sons and daughters. We are now children of God with his blood over us and his spirit in us, making us new. Wow!!! Talk about "Life Giving Blood"!

Only Christ's blood can do this for us. We cannot do it for ourselves. No matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves or anyone else for that matter. Only the blood of the sinless can suffice...and that is only found in Jesus. Thank God for his blood. We tend to think of blood as gross and dirty. We don't want to touch it or be contaminated by it. It represents hurt, death, pain. But truly it represents for the largest part-LIFE, healing, rest, refuge, comfort.........all the good God has for us. We need to rethink our opinion of blood. The blood of Christ is Beautiful beyond measure. We need a daily transfusion of it, or even more often, by spending time with him in prayer (adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication) and in his word. But the work of the blood for salvation/saving is already done for us. Once and for all it was shed. We just need to accept it! Hallaluiah! Like I said last week, "By his stripes we are healed," not by our blood shed but his.

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