Friday, April 17, 2009

Carpe Diem

I have recently been in the habit of telling my son, Max to "Carpe Diem" on the way to school. He is in Kindergarten (almost age 6 as he likes to let everyone know). I know the saying is cliche and corny. I have never liked to use it before, but I do like the message it gives for all of us. I had a talk today about how Max could "seize the day". We talked about the fact that no matter what the day holds, whether it is full of accidents, mistakes or others treating us wrong, no matter how good or bad the day may be, we can still seize it for Christ. We all have a choice to live for our Lord or for ourselves.

I asked Max what he could do if he had a bad day and still wanted to seize it for Christ. He didn't know, so I suggested that he could do something nice for someone. If no one is nice to us and things go wrong, we still have the power to change the day and seize it for Christ. Our actions, with God's power, can have a powerful affect, not just on others, but on ourselves as well. By the way...this makes Satan and his demons scream and run from us. They can't stand it. So if you feel under attack or just in a slump...praise God and seize the day, do a random act of kindness, bless and serve others. This is the key to true joy and success.

This choice to seize the day is part of our free will, the gift of God given to us. We shouldn't ignore it. He paid a high price for it so that we could use it to do His good will on this earth and in heaven. So what do you say? Let's seize the day!

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