Sunday, November 13, 2011

Run the Race!

Believe it or not, I have been running, well, more like jogging, very slowly mind you, since September. I started doing the "Couch Potato to 5K" app on my iPhone. It is awesome. I started out running 60 seconds then walking 90 seconds alternating with a 5 minute warm up walk and a 5 minute cool down walk, all for a total of 30 minutes. Well it slowly progresses you in the length of time you run. the last several weeks I have been running for 2 miles non-stop. The app stops there. Some people may be able to get 3 miles into the 30 minutes it gives you, but I only get 2 done. I am slow and can do only 15 minute miles. But hey, I'm doing it. Well I extended my run and kept going yesterday and did 2 1/2 miles. Today I ran 3 miles!!! Can you believe it? I told you, you wouldn't. Me, the person who has been deathly allergic to running her whole life has done it. I have always wanted to be a runner, but just couldn't do it. I have no stamina or endurance. But this app. is amazing and made it so doable. Anyway, I'm still an overweight, middle aged jogger; not the typical runner, but I feel so empowered. I haven't lost hardly any weight doing it, but I feel so much better. Yay! Horray! Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to run the race. Help me to do it in my walk with you as well. Anyway. Just wanted to share a true miracle. Ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Dindy!!!
Patti :)