Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Is Your Super Power or Not-So Spiritual Gift?

My kids are getting all geared up for Halloween. Every since October 1st they have been drawing pictures to tape on our front window. Now we have officially covered every space possible. They each picked a pumpkin out, went to the Pumpkin patch, played in the hay maze, fed animals and rode a camel. They are so excited about the costumes they picked out--themselves!!! Sam is Robin from Teen Titans. He loves the Japanese song they sing. Max is Obi Wan Kenobi...I am sure I didn't spell it right...I have no idea. Anyways, Halloween is ON! We spent last night driving around on a mission to find any homes with Halloween decorations. They went ballistic and yelled out everything they could spot, kind of like a lets find Waldo version of looking at Christmas lights.

Well Max had to tell me what his super power was the other night. It was very confidential. I probably shouldn't share this in case any arch enemies are listening in, but here goes...His super power is his Awesomeness. Yes, you heard it. He can beat all his enemies with his Awesomeness. Huh, wasn't expecting that one. But really, we have been talking about what makes a real super hero. My kids know that there aren't real super heroes with super powers. We talk about being God's super heros by helping others and doing God's work. Our power comes from our prayers and most importantly from loving God. The more we love God and Jesus the more of him we have in our hearts and the more of His power he gives us. It is not something earned. It is all about us accessing the power and gifts He gives us freely as our inheritance. We are children of God.

We are grafted into the family and given these gifts. Even though our gene pool is different, we are made, transformed into His likeness, His sons and daughters. But we must accept this gift just like we must accept the salvation offered us. God is always waiting to bless us, we just aren't always looking and waiting with open arms. So what is YOUR super power? What is your spiritual gift? I joke that mine is making everyone around me feel tall. It definitely isn't my faith, though I wish it was. So take up your cloak, dawn your boots and take the leap of faith. Ask God to show you your spiritual gifts and talents. Ask him how he wants to use you each day. Be God's super hero. There are never enough of them. Besides, I know you've always wanted to. Seize the day for Christ and God!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Do the boy watch Kung Foo Panda? There is a line in there that the warriors will get you with their "pure awesomeness". EmmyKate thinks that part is hilarious!