Oswals Chambers said that "we should never interpret the word of God apart from the one who uttered them." I need to keep this in mind. All too often I get irritated when reading God's word. Yes, I know that sounds awful. I should be inspired and in a holy, otherworldly state reading it, but reality isn't always pretty. Yes the word of god is powerful and inspiring, encouraging, but MY SINFULNESS isn't. How I recieve the word (and how much truth and help I get from it) is all dependent on my state of mind and spirit reading it. God has already done his part in giving the word (His tools) to us. It is my part to prepare my spirit to recieve it. UGHHH!!! Can you hear me slapping my forehead again and again? It takes a lot to get through it. It seems like a duh, no contest info. but it is soooo hard to remember and do.
Even if my spirit isn't in the right place, though, I should still prod on, obedient to seeking God. It is these times we develope patience, steadfastness of spirit. Eventually the word will speak to us again. I have had times where I couldn't even pray. I just had to sit still and allow the Holy Spirit to speak for me, praying for me with groanings too deep for words. Oh we have a good God, even if we don't always feel like it. God understands and provides for us in all circumstances. Just remember in the good times that if we aren't hearing from Him and we feel dry, it may be that we aren't coming seeking Him or his will.
There are always going to be dry times. I just pray that the dryness will not matter nor affect me. I can't become stuck by it, overwhwelmed and use it as an opportunity to be dissappointed with God. God is God not matter what the circumstance. We may not understand Him or his ways, we may not see him, but just like the mountain top covered by clouds, he is still there as majestic and powerful and present as ever.
God's word says to obey his rules. Oswald Chambers said that "God never insists on obedience. He tell us what we ought to do, but ne never takes means to make us do it...The Lord does not give me rules, He makes His standard very clear, and if my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without any hesitation." It is a matter of trusting God, that what he says is best because he only wants to protect us and give us the best. If we love him we will trust and want to please him. That is why He says "IF" so often in the bible. "If ye love me ye will keep my commandments" (jon 14:15) "If any man will become my disciple let him deny himself. (Luke 14:26).
His word also says that, "All things are permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial." That is why God wants us to listen to him, just like a parent raising their child. A parent doesn't try to squealch a child's fun. A parent just tries to keep a healthy boundary of protection using good judgment. Yes other parents and kids may be doing something, but it is not best so they don't give you permission. It is done out of love, despite the parent knowing the grief of pouting and tantrums they will probably elicit by it. Still, protecting you and giving you the best is worth it. Don't we act like children to God in response to his direction? I do, time and time again. Thank goodness (Godness) that He loves us so much to put up with us.
So remember each time you read the word of God, that it is coming from a God who loves you so passionately that he would die for you to save you and give you his inheritance, his best. Don't get frustrated, remember who is speaking the words. Then it is much easier to keep the proper spirit and perspective to recieve it. His word always is spoken to us in love. Recieve it in love. And only speak it to others in love.
What's Up Wednesday - September Edition
9 years ago
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